Blitz da Saúde é realizada em comemoração ao Mês da Indústria

According to Altman Weil’s 2018 Chief Legal Officer Survey, corporate legal departments are spending more on internal expenditures than on outside counsel for the first time in the history of this survey, with 48% allocated to in-house spend, 45% to outside counsel, and 6% to other non-law firm vendors.

Blitz da Saúde é realizada em comemoração ao Mês da Indústria

Situações extremas requerem medidas extremas. Certamente não é a primeira vez que você se depara com esta frase, cuja autoria tem sido atribuída à Hipócrates. Curiosamente – de maneira mórbida – a sentença é plenamente aplicável ao momento, em que se observa a necessidade de recolhimento geral de modo a evitar um colapso dos sistemas […]

The 2018 ACC Annual Meeting: Thriving in a Fast-Moving World

According to Altman Weil’s 2018 Chief Legal Officer Survey, corporate legal departments are spending more on internal expenditures than on outside counsel for the first time in the history of this survey, with 48% allocated to in-house spend, 45% to outside counsel, and 6% to other non-law firm vendors.

We’ve Learned alot by Listening to Our Customers

When your job involves developing innovative technology, it’s easy to get so wrapped up in figuring out what you are going to do next, how you are going to do it and when you can deliver it, that you forget about why you are doing it in the first place. As a Product Manager working on InterAction® customer relationship management software, I’ve have had the opportunity to spend the last year actively listening to our clients and have learned some invaluable lessons along the way.

Workloads Are Increasing. Is Your Legal Department.

According to Altman Weil’s 2018 Chief Legal Officer Survey, corporate legal departments are spending more on internal expenditures than on outside counsel for the first time in the history of this survey, with 48% allocated to in-house spend, 45% to outside counsel, and 6% to other non-law firm vendors.

Efficiently Make Your Time Matter Wherever You Go

According to Altman Weil’s 2018 Chief Legal Officer Survey, corporate legal departments are spending more on internal expenditures than on outside. I’ve have had the opportunity to spend the last year actively listening to our clients and have learned some invaluable lessons along the way.